Are you:
Feeling tired, sluggish, with low energy
Have sugar cravings
Difficulty losing weight, gaining weight around the stomach
Excessive hair growth on face, chest or back
Any acne, dark patches on the skin, skin tags due to hormone imbalance
Difficulty trying to conceive
Experiencing irregular menstrual cycles

Boost your changes of Conceiving by

  1. Reduce impact of Oxidative Stress on Egg and Sperm Quality
  2. Regulate Reproductive Hormones to help optimize ovulation and conception
  3. Regulate menstrual cycles to lower risk of ovulation-related infertility
  4. Successful implantation of the embryo by supporting a healthy uterus
Helping Couples Improve Fertility and Achieve Their Goal of Getting Pregnant through Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes
Weight Gain
High Blood Sugar
High Blood Pressure
Discover Your Fertility & Pregnancy Nutrition Score
"Rate your plate" is a tool to help you fight infertility and once pregnant, assess if your eating habits is optimum for your baby's genetic make up, immunity, growth and development as well as help in preventing and treating pregnancy related complications. Take the quiz to see how you score on your nutrition knowledge and eating habits to improve fertility and support a healthy pregnancy.
Our first, initial visit will focus on assessing your lifestyle and eating habits, health history, medications and supplements and planning nourishing meals to support optimum outcomes for you and your baby. Followup visits will assess progress towards goals set, addressing any side effects with nutrition tips and may include reviewing nutrition guidelines for each trimester to assess for adequacy.
Personalized Nutrition Guidance
The Mediterranean eating pattern is one of the most nutrient-rich diet. It is a healthy way of eating when trying to conceive and during pregnancy. Reduce your baby's risk of chronic diseases through first-rate nutrition even before you conceive.
Expert-backed Advice
Education/empowerment in managing your health through nutrition, fitness and behavior modification.
Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Baby
Optimize brain health, physical & emotional/behavioral health of your baby with most favorable diet for pre-conception.
Lois Vergis, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES
ExpectingEats, LLC
Registered dietitian for over 35 years and certified diabetes educator for over 25 years. Health coach, writer, speaker.
Certified Fertility & Pregnancy Dietitian
24x24x1  August 1, 2024    Lois Vergis
The Silent Struggle: Understanding the Link Between Stress, Insulin Resistance, and Fertility
The stress-insulin resistance-fertility connection involves a range of hormones, emphasizing the role of stress in insulin resistance and fertility.IntroductionIn today's world, stress is a part of daily life. From school and work pressures to personal challenges, stress can affect...
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For more nutritional blog postings from Lois Vergis, visit:

Dr. Madhuri

I would like to thank Lois for giving a good in-depth understanding of nutritious diet for my child. As the mother of a newly diagnosed type 1 DM, the carb counting of Indian foods and various options put forth by Lois was a huge help. I would recommend Lois, as she is easily approachable and very resourceful.

Annie M.

I had diabetes for over 15 years, and I had struggled to control my sugars in the first few years. I was recommended to attend a nutrition class and that's how I landed in Lois's class. No one has ever presented me with such clear information on the subject matter. This, information has been a total and complete life changer for me. Using this information, I was able to maintain my blood sugars. Lois is a professional nutritionist, but has a touching compassion and dedication to her patients. Her depth of knowledge was valuable to make a lasting change with my diet.

Yolanda D.

Nursing Director

In the past 16 years, I've had the pleasure of learning from and working with Lois. As a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, Lois provides exemplary education. This is evidenced by positive customer surveys and improvement in patient outcomes. Lois is flexible, utilizing her expertise in both outpatient and inpatient settings, with groups and individuals and helps customers achieve their health goals. She is an intelligent and highly motivated individual and a lifelong learner. Lois continues to pursue relevant professional development and certifications to broaden her knowledge base. Because of these strengths, Lois is seen as a resource with in professional circles.

Bobby J.


I starting talking with Lois a few weeks ago after my cholesterol came back alarming high. It had been high for awhile but it got out of control. Lois was amazing. I was able to speak with her about how I viewed food and she gave me a totally new and healthy way way to see food. Over several weeks she spoke with me about my food choices and was always available for questions. Even silly details. I thought I knew so much about nutrition but Lois showed me that I was wrong about a lot. 6 weeks later and with the help of medical my labs are back to normal and I love my new healthy lifestyle. She doesn't just teach you about food she teaches you a brand new and healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Madhuri

I would like to thank Lois for giving a good in-depth understanding of nutritious diet for my child. As the mother of a newly diagnosed type 1 DM, the carb counting of Indian foods and various options put forth by Lois was a huge help. I would recommend Lois, as she is easily approachable and very resourceful.

Annie M.

I had diabetes for over 15 years, and I had struggled to control my sugars in the first few years. I was recommended to attend a nutrition class and that's how I landed in Lois's class. No one has ever presented me with such clear information on the subject matter. This, information has been a total and complete life changer for me. Using this information, I was able to maintain my blood sugars. Lois is a professional nutritionist, but has a touching compassion and dedication to her patients. Her depth of knowledge was valuable to make a lasting change with my diet.

Yolanda D.

Nursing Director

In the past 16 years, I've had the pleasure of learning from and working with Lois. As a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, Lois provides exemplary education. This is evidenced by positive customer surveys and improvement in patient outcomes. Lois is flexible, utilizing her expertise in both outpatient and inpatient settings, with groups and individuals and helps customers achieve their health goals. She is an intelligent and highly motivated individual and a lifelong learner. Lois continues to pursue relevant professional development and certifications to broaden her knowledge base. Because of these strengths, Lois is seen as a resource with in professional circles.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Sara Wilsson


Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Dr. Madhuri

I would like to thank Lois for giving a good in-depth understanding of nutritious diet for my child. As the mother of a newly diagnosed type 1 DM, the carb counting of Indian foods and various options put forth by Lois was a huge help. I would recommend Lois, as she is easily approachable and very resourceful.

Annie M.


I had diabetes for over 15 years, and I had struggled to control my sugars in the first few years. I was recommended to attend a nutrition class and that's how I landed in Lois's class. No one has ever presented me with such clear information on the subject matter. This, information has been a total and complete life changer for me. Using this information, I was able to maintain my blood sugars. Lois is a professional nutritionist, but has a touching compassion and dedication to her patients. Her depth of knowledge was valuable to make a lasting change with my diet.

John Larson


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

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